DBX Fanon Wikia
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Welcome to the DBX Fanon Wikia!

This wiki is dedicated to the fans of the official DBX series by ScrewAttack, in which writers can create their own fictional battles without the need to research beforehand to determine a victor. Anyone is welcome.

What We Do Here

Members of the DBX Fanon Wiki get free cookies.

...Okay, that might have been a lie, but you do get to write your own kick-ass battles between your favorite fictional characters WITHOUT having to worry about that pesky research!

Helpful Links

Here are some links to assist you while writing DBXs on this Fanon Wikia such as the rules of this Wikia.

Rules and Guidelines


Where to start

Sounds good, but unsure where to begin? How about checking out some abandoned matchups that are free to take?

Candidates for Adoption

Sister sites

What-If? DBXs

If you are interested reading some of the DBXs on this Wikia to give you an idea on what you want to do, here are some DBXs written by users on this Wikia to check out!

Video Game Only Themed DBX Fights

Rivalry themed DBX Fights

'Fighting Game' themed DBXS
