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Akame Ga Kill! vs RWBY. They believe in survival of the strongest and both have the element of ice. Will Esdeath Put the Spring Maiden On Ice? Or Will Raven be the one to take down the Ice General?


No Rules!

Just Bloodshed!



Location: Raven camp (RWBY)

Raven was approaching back to her camp and hears screaming and rushes towards it and sees the Jaegers attacking and slaughtering the bandits. And when she went to grab her sword she sees coming up towards her. This would be general Esdeath

β€œso you must be there leader” Esdeath began to say looking at her β€œI hope you're up not weak like them” Esdeath said pulling out her sword as Raven glares at her gripping the hilt of her sword.


Raven pulls out her sword and rushes towards Esdeath, but the ice general smirk getting her rapier ready as Raven brought her sword up and it clash against Esdeath rapier. Then Raven and Esdeath clash there blades back to back both colliding with neither side giving in and one final clash was enough to send them both back from each other.

The bandit leader went towards Esdeath and slash her with her sword, but Esdeath makes a ice shield that protects Esdeath. She smirks and kicks Raven back hard and then Esdeath made a large piece of ice behind her Hagel Sprung!” She then sends it towards the bandit leader who sends out fire from her hand from at the large ice causing a explosion.

Raven rush forward into the explosion towards Esdeath but sees that she was no where to be scene until she sees a shadow over her and noticed Esdeath with ice on her wrist and in the air. β€œLet see you handle this” she says as she makes multiple ice spears β€œWeissschnabel!” She said and hurls them at Raven.

Raven uses fires dust on some of the incoming spears and slices the rest and grunts in pain feeling one hit her and sees Esdeath rush towards her as she blocked the incoming strike from the ice general before place her hand on Esdeath sending out electricity causing her to scream out in pain and sent flying.

Esdeath crash into the ground and slowly gets up groaning a bit as she sees Raven coming at her before Esdeath freezes the ground making Raven slip and lose her balance as Esdeath flew at Raven who barely move out the way and got her cheek cut.

Raven got her balance back as she transformed into a raven flying above Esdeath who sees this as Raven transform back and was coming down fast at Esdeath with her blade up as use her might to swing her blade hard as she shattered Esdeath rapier but also slice Esdeath arm off.

This cause is Esdeath to crash back to the ground in pain as as blood fell on the ground as Raven slowly makes her way towards Esdeath. β€œYour done” Raven yelled as she ran at Esdeath to finish her off and as she got close Esdeath yelled out.


Just like that time froze as Esdeath starts standing up and formed a ice arm with a ice blade as she walked towards the spring maidan and has a smirk on her face as she thrust her ice blade forward right through Raven.

Then time unfroze as Raven felt s large amount of pain causing her to drop her blade as her head slowly looks down seeing the ice blade had went right through her as Raven spat up blood. β€œYou were a worthy fighter…but in the end” Esdeath said as she place her hand on Raven face β€œyou were weak” she said as Raven felt her body getting cold as her body begins to freeze as Raven had little tears fall as her body froze completely.

Esdeath then rip her ice arm out of Raven froze body as she use her ice blade to cut Raven head off as her frozen body falls over shatters into pieces and her frozen head was the only thing remaining as it hit the ground also shattering. Esdeath begins to walk away as the Jagers follows her as Raven camp begins to freeze into ice leaving the bodies of their dead leader to be frozen along with it.

