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Mario vs Akame is CobraMario64's 32nd DBX!


Super Mario vs Akame ga Kill! Which one wearing red will take victory?






Location: New Donk City, Night time - Super Mario Odyssey

Akame: I escaped to this city so nobody can find me here.

Rain was falling down in New Donk City, while Bowser's airship is seen on top flying over New Donk City Hall, advertising his wedding with Princess Peach. Akame stood on a building, taking a look at the city and every Bowser and Peach wedding poster, she only thinks for a minute to herself: ''Strange city, but cool.'' Akame was hoping nobody would search for her, 5 minutes later Mario and Cappy arrived to the city, he made his way down to the streets.

Mario walked around and started jumping, he landed on the rooftop of the building. Akame heard a noise, and she looked to see what it was, when Mario walks up, he was spotted by Akame! She pulls out her sword and slashed Mario in his right arm, a little cut dropped blood.

Mario: What was that for, and look, I'm sorry if I scared you okay?

Akame only assumed Mario was some enemy who's searching for her, due to Akame being wanted alive or dead, but Mario wasn't looking for anyone except Bowser! Akame raised her sword at Mario, who reacted to only increase anger and get mad at her, Akame used her sword to try to slash Mario, who ducked down to the floor.


Akame pointed her sword at Mario, who jumps backwards and threw a fireball at her. Akame leaped up and came in by slashing Mario with her sword, but he uppercuts Akame and throws her across the roof. Akame ran up to Mario, who jumped up and went in for a Ground Pound directly on Akame's chest, he grabs her by the legs and span Akame around, and hurled her far away from him. Mario quickly landed a hard punch on Akame's face, and she knocks Mario off with her sword, the red plumber pulled out his Hammer, and clashed with Akame and her sword, as the Night Raid member charged, which Mario bashes her with his Hammer, and Akame spins around with her sword, attempting to send Mario flying back, he had time and came in with another Ground Pound, now landing between Akame's legs, she picks up Mario and slams him on the ground hard, Mario picked himself up and equipped his Spin Drill. He sent himself towards Akame, in a drilling position onto her chest. Akame blocked the attack, but Mario allowed himself to drill rapidly on Akame's stomach, she leaped away and Mario tossed his Spin Drill. Mario came in with a cyclone attack and punched Akame in her face several times, but she defended herself, and Mario jumps on her head, and the Night Raid member slides behind Mario, who lands and gets tripped over. Akame stabs Mario on his chest, and he rolls to the side, avoiding Akame's sword.

Akame uppercuts Mario with her sword, she slashes him a couple of times while Mario takes out his Spring Mushroom and equipped his Spring Suit, he began bouncing towards Akame, who grabbed on to Mario's Spring Suit. She splits his spring suit into halves which makes him fall back to the ground, Mario bashed Akame with several punches, before attempting a third Ground Pound, and Akame dodges by rolling to the side. Mario decides to throw Cappy on to Akame, who was being possessed by him. The plumber walks around, while controlling Akame, who's mind was blacked out, and Mario jumps out of her mind and Akame rubs her head, wondering what happened, but she slashes Mario. She grabs him from his overalls, deciding to kick the plumber down and delivering a descending punch, and sends Mario back across the roof, before he lands, he grabs Akame's sword and slashed her on the back using it, she grabs her sword back and Mario equipped his Propeller Box and flies towards the air, Akame only saw his legs, but he was too high up, propelling himself up. Akame tries to jump but Mario went up to fly into towards the air again.

Akame quickly grabbed Mario's legs as he was flying, and tossed his Propeller Box straight away, the Plumber and Night Raid member traded kicks, but Mario decides to punch Akame in the face and bash her to the ground. Mario equipped his Boomerang Flower and hurled multiple Boomerangs towards Akame, who strikes them down with her sword, Mario went towards throwing Boomerangs, but the assassin leaped away from them. Akame rushed at Mario, with a painful slash, only causing him to lose his power. Mario caught Akame's hand and threw her up in the sky, deciding to connect a Super Jump Punch along with it. When Akame landed, Mario tries to kill her with his Ice Flower, but she again stabbed Mario, losing his power up. Mario uses his Firebrand to charge a ball of fire, Akame only went back a few steps, Mario hurled the giant ball of fire towards Akame, who trips from it.

Mario's pyrokinesis only burnt Akame, who threw her sword at Mario to stab him, but he deflected her sword with his cape, sending it back at her, as Mario ran he punched Akame in the chest several times and then a Ground Pound, and lands between her legs, Akame lifted him and struck down the plumber, attempting to cut through his chest, which blood dropped from. Mario then prepares his hands, throwing several punches at Akame and slammed her down behind him, the plumber kicked Akame, and Mario put his Super Star in effect, and flashing the colors of a rainbow. Akame tried to touch him with her sword, but no effect. Akame pulled out Murasame, trying to slash through Mario's throat but the plumber jumped away, he dashed towards Akame, with his fist out and ready to finish the fight. Akame threw Murasame straight to Mario's chest, but it flung off him. Mario on time, delivered the death punch to Akame's face, Mario's Super Star wore off, and he went to pick up her sword, slashing Akame onto the throat, killing her with her own sword!

Mario stands and Cappy appears, when they left the scene. Mario only thought for a second and questioned to Cappy about Akame, but he had no idea who she was.

Cappy: Who was that women with the sword?

